Tola Angtem
Profile Picture of Tola  Angtem

Tola Angtem (Tola)

( 6 리뷰 )

Warmly welcome ladies and gentleman, I am very pleased to meet all of you. I hope you will enjoy your day with me.

My greeting to all ladies and gentlemen. My name is Angtem Tola, I am a local tour guide based in Siem Reap region. I am very happy to serve you and show my beautiful country, culture, ancient temples, civilization, histories and many beautiful places to visit in Cambodia. Traveling with my ProGuide Cambodia I assure that you will get good services, affordable prices and safe. I work hard to ensure you all get a good experience while visiting my country.

영어 사용 가능

7년의 가이드 경험

캄보디아에 거주

전문 분야

도시 투어
랜드마크 및 기념물
자전거 타기 및 사이클링
박물관 및 갤러리
종교 유적지
문화 축제

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